The conference theme is Seeing Across Disciplines: Visual Literacy and Education. The conference will bring together different theoretical viewpoints and practices on visual literacy, joining scholars, students, and practitioners from all over the world in an interesting exchange of ideas. The conference is open to contributions on new theoretical insights, media, innovative practices and methodologies on assessment and evaluation. The conference takes place virtually through ZOOM. Paper presentations, panel sessions, workshops and Pecha Kucha will be presented. This is our 53rd Conference. Sessions are recorded with recordings available online a few weeks after the conference is over.
Registration Cost of Conference is $80.00 USD
We look forward to seeing you in November.
The cost of the conference is $80.00 this year as we are virtual and not incurring as many costs. Please log in if you are already a member. For those who are not current members, the cost of the next year of membership is included, so please select yes to add membership in the IVLA. You will not be charged anything extra.